
Graduate Subjects

The following is a list of the graduate subjects (aka “classes”) that are offered by each of the three academic units that make up the HASTS graduate program. Each unit also offers their own undergraduate subjects. Visit the MIT Subject Guide for the most up-to-date class schedule and room information, and our schedules pages to see which classes are offered when.

* Bolded subjects are required for first year HASTS students

Anthropology Graduate Subjects

Subject Units Title
21A.129 (meets with 21A.127J/11.045J/15.302J/17.045J) 3-0-9 Power: Interpersonal, Organizational, and Global Dimensions
21A.319J/ STS.330J 3-0-9 History and Anthropology of Medicine and Biology
21A.409J/ 11.238J 3-0-9 Ethics of Intervention
21A.429J / STS.320J 3-0-9 Environmental Conflict
21A.509J/ STS.474J (meets with 21A.501J/STS.074J) 3-0-9 Art, Craft, Science
21A.519J/ 4.649J (meets with 21A.507J/4.648J) 3-0-9 Resonance: Sonic Experience, Science, and Art
21A.529 (meets with 21A.550J/STS.064J) 3-0-9 Virtual and Other Realities
21A.539 (meets with 21A.511) 3-0-9 Hacking From the South
21A.559 3-3-6 DV Lab: Documenting Science through Video and New Media
21A.809 3-0-9 Designing Empirical Research in the Social Sciences
21A.819 3-6-3 Ethnographic Research Methods
21A.859J/ STS.250J 3-0-9 Social Theory and Analysis
21A.929, 21A.939 & 21A.949 TBD Graduate Independent Study
21A.S10 & 21A.S11 TBD Special Graduate Subject in Anthropology

History Graduate Subjects

Subject Units Title
21H.902 3-0-9 Reading Seminar in American History, 1877 to the Present
21H.920 (meets with 21H.290) 3-0-9 Economic Classics: The History of Economic Ideas from Ancient Times to the Present
21H.958 2-0-10 Colonialism in South Asia and Africa: Race, Gender, Resistance
21H.980J/ 21A.419J 2-0-10 People and Other Animals
21H.981 3-0-9 Seminar in Nature, Environment, and Empire
21H.982 3-0-9 Technology and the Global Economy, 1000-2000
21H.983J/ WGS.310J 3-0-9 Gender: Historical Perspectives
21H.984/ STS.414J 3-0-9 Risk, Fortune, and Futurity
21H.985 3-0-9 Money, Credit, and Financial Crisis, 1600-1850
21H.986 3-0-9 Money, Credit, and Financial Crisis, 1850-2020
21H.988 3-0-9 Global Commodities, American Dreams
21H.989 3-0-9 Histories of Extraction and Mining
21H.991 3-0-9 Theories and Methods in the Study of History
21H.992 & 21H.993 TBD Graduate Independent Study

STS Graduate Subjects

Subject Units Title
STS.260 3-0-9 Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society
STS.310 3-0-9 History of Science
STS.340 3-0-9 Introduction to the History of Technology
STS.412 3-0-9 Quantification
STS.417 3-0-9 STS Seminar on the Global South
STS.421 3-0-9 Graduate Super-Seminar on Global South Cosmologies and Epistemologies
STS.424J/ 11.244J 3-0-9 Race, History, and the Built Environment
STS.430 3-0-9 Multi-Species Histories of Plant People, Wild and Cultivated
STS.432J/ 21H.990J 3-0-9 Narrating the Anthropocene: Understanding a Multi-Species Universe
STS.434 3-0-9 Postapocalyptic Science and Technology Studies
STS.436 3-0-9 Cold War Science
STS.441 2-0-10 Technology and Self: Technology and Conversation
STS.443 2-0-7 Technology and Self: Science, Technology, and Memoir
STS.444 2-0-7 Technology and Self: Things and Thinking
STS.454 3-0-9 Science and Technology in the Museum Environment
STS.456 3-0-9 Waste, Discard, Remainder, Trace (NEW)
STS.457 3-0-9 Legacies of Scientific Racism: Race, Science, and Technology Today (NEW)
STS.458 3-0-9 Science, Technology, and Human Rights
STS.461 3-0-9 History and Social Study of Computing
STS.464 3-0-9 Computing from the Global South
STS.465J/ 11.652J 3-0-9 Research Seminar on Technology and the Work of the Future
STS.468J 3-0-9 Entrepreneurship in Aerospace and Mobility Systems
STS.471J/ 16.895J/ IDS.30J 4-0-8 Engineering Apollo: The Moon Project as a Complex System
STS.477J/ 21W.820J 3-0-9 Writing: Science, Technology, and Society
STS.482J/ 17.310J/ IDS.103J 4-0-8 Science, Technology, and Public Policy
STS.487 3-0-9 Foundations of Information Policy
STS.860* 1-0-5 HASTS Dissertation Writing Workshop
STS.901, STS.902, STS.903 & STS.904 TBD Independent Study in Science, Technology, and Society
STS.S91 TBD Special Subject: Science, Technology and Society
STS.S92 TBD Special Subject: Science, Technology and Society