Animal Madness: Inside Their Minds |
Laurel Braitman |
2015 |
Coal and Empire: The Birth of Energy Security in Industrial America |
Peter Shulman |
2015 |
Plucked: A History of Hair Removal |
Rebecca Herzig |
2015 |
Our Robots, Ourselves: Robotics and the Myths of Autonomy |
David A. Mindell |
2015 |
Rendering Life Molecular: Models, Modelers, and Excitable Matter |
Natasha Myers |
2015 |
Soviet Space Mythologies: Public Images, Private Memories, and the Making of a Cultural Identity |
Slava Gerovitch |
2015 |
Beyond Imported Magic: Essays on Science, Technology, and Society in Latin America |
Eden Medina |
2014 |
How Climate Change Comes to Matter: The Communal Life of Facts |
Candis Callison |
2014 |
The Kitchen Debate and Cold War Consumer Politics |
Shane Hamilton |
2014 |
Voices of the Soviet Space Program: Cosmonauts, Soldiers, and Engineers Who Took the USSR into Space |
Slava Gerovitch |
2014 |
Information at Sea: Shipboard Command and Control in the U.S. Navy, from Mobile Bay to Okinawa |
Timothy Wolters |
2013 |
Spark from the Deep: How Shocking Experiments with Strongly Electric Fish Powered Scientific Discovery |
William J. Turkel |
2013 |
Iron Coffin: War, Technology, and Experience aboard the USS Monitor |
David A. Mindell |
2012 |
Medicating Race: Heart Disease and Durable Preoccupations with Difference |
Anne Pollock |
2012 |
Cybernetic Revolutionaries: Technology and Politics in Allende's Chile |
Eden Medina |
2011 |
New Organs Within Us: Transplants and the Moral Economy |
Aslihan Sanal |
2011 |
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society |
David Guston |
2010 |
Midnight Ride, Industrial Dawn: Paul Revere and the Growth of American Enterprise |
Robert Martello |
2010 |
Reinventing Technology Assessment – A 21st Century Model: Using Citizen Participation, Collaboration, and Expert Analysis to Inform and Improve Decision-Making on Issues Involving Science and Technology |
Richard Sclove |
2010 |
Wired Wilderness: Technologies of Tracking and the Making of Modern Wildlife |
Etienne Benson |
2010 |