STUDENTS | Nadia Christidi

Nadia Christidi

Current Research Areas: anthropology of future planning and design; climate change realities and imaginaries; water stress and water management solutions; cities; diversification, resilience, and sustainability; speculative design and design fiction

Nadia Christidi looks at cities grappling with water shortages, the ways in which they have been approaching water management, and especially how they are envisaging and preparing for water in the future; she focuses on the cities of Dubai, Los Angeles and Cape Town. Nadia considers future plans ranging from the science fictional and speculatively designed to the techno-scientific and policy-focused. She is particularly interested in plans that lie at the intersection of art, design, fiction and science and in thinking about how art/design is being leveraged in scientific work.

Nadia holds a BA in History of Art from Bryn Mawr College (2006) and an MA in Historical Studies from the New School for Social Research (2015). She is an arts practitioner and has participated in exhibitions at Beirut Art Center; SALT Galata, Istanbul; and SALT Ulus, Ankara. Nadia was a Delfina-FICA Research Fellow in London (2012) and is the recipient of the Art Jameel Commission in Arts Writing and Research in Dubai (2019).

She hopes to experiment with producing multimodal research while at HASTS.