Congrats to Boyd Ruamchareon, a 5th year student, who received a 2023-24 Lemelson Center Fellowship!

The Politics of Scale and Scaling in Contemporary Chinese Governance and Venture Capitalism

Jamie Wong

Friday, August 25, 2023

10:00 am – 12:00 pm (Eastern Time)
On campus: E51-095

Dissertation Committee
Graham Jones
Professor of Anthropology
Committee Chair

William Deringer
Associate Professor of Science, Technology, and Society

Stefan Helmreich
Elting E. Morison Professor of Anthropology

Heather Paxson
William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Anthropology

Robert Weller
Professor of Anthropology
Boston University
Zoom link available upon request to
Auto-captioning will be available during the presentation. If you have other specific access needs, please write to immediately.

Tim Loh, a 5th year student, interviewed Michele Friedner, professor and medical anthropologist, on her book, Sensory Futures .

Cross-STS is a workshop and seminar series hosted by PhD students in HASTS. 

When: Thursday, April 13, 2023, 1pm-2:30p

Where: E51-095

RSVP required? Yes, please RSVP to



Colonial Rodent Control in Tanganyika and the Application of Ecological Frameworks”, written by Jia Hui Lee [link to alumni directory page] ‘21, has been published in the Annals of Science.  It was also the winner of the Trevor Levere Best Paper Prize 2022.

Caroline White-Nockleby, a 4th year student, was interviewed by MIT’s School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (SHASS) as part of the Solving Climate | Humanistic Perspectives from MIT series.  

 Nadia Christidi [link to student bio page], a 7th year student, was interviewed by MIT’s School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (SHASS) as part of the Solving Climate | Humanistic Perspectives from MIT series.  

Caterina Scaramelli  ‘16 is a research assistant professor in the Department of Earth & Environment at Boston University. Scaramelli’s class, Culture & Environment, implemented a hybrid approach to teaching during the pandemic.  

This has been a banner year for Teasel Muir-Harmony PhD ’14, curator of the Apollo spacecraft collection at the National Air and Space Museum.