Student Resources

Following is a list of Resources to help you navigate MIT. As always, feel free to reach out to the STS Assistant Director or Academic Programs or STS Senior Academic Programs Assistant if you need additional assistance.

Program Funding+-

Offer of admission to HASTS currently includes five years of guaranteed support, contingent on satisfactory academic progress. This support provides 12 months of stipendand pays for fall and spring MIT tuition and 12 months of individual health insurance annually. Funding consists of a combination of fellowships (including those that students earn on their own), teaching assistantships and, occasionally, research assistantships. Students normally have a fellowship appointment for their first year in the program. Students should expect to TA four subjects in years two through five in the program.

A nine-month fellowship for dissertation completion, including the above tuition and insurance, if needed and if academic standing has been maintained, is available for a sixth year

For the 2023 – 2024 academic year the fellowship stipend is $3,995 per month, tuition for the academic year is $59,570, and single coverage medical insurance for a year is $3,237.

HASTS Steering Committee will make preliminary decisions on what types of funding students will have (TA, RA, or fellowship) and TA class assignments by early June for the upcoming academic year, though there may be modifications if unexpected situations arise, such as class enrollments that differ from past offerings.

All students are also welcome to seek competitive funding at any point in their program, and typically have a good success rate with applications for outside grants and fellowships. Students’ advisors, and sometimes other members of their committees, provide guidance on the selection of which research grant and fellowships to apply for and development of the proposal.  The Director of Graduate Studies and the Academic Administrator of the doctoral program may also be a resource for finding opportunities.

Financial inquiries pertaining to funding, i.e. graduate awards and appointments, and hourly payroll, should be directed to the Academic Administrator.

All students should familiarize themselves with the description of what constitutes satisfactory progress in the program in HASTS.

All appointments and awards are governed by MIT’s Policies and Procedures , the Office of Graduate Education’s funding and compensation policies, and the Financial Support and Resources section of the HASTS Student Handbook.

Travel Funding+-

The following travel funding resources are available to HASTS students:

HASTS Annual Travel Funding

HASTS has an annual travel allocation which students can use for travel costs if they are presenting papers at professional conferences or engaging in research. The current allocation is $1,000 per year. The travel allocation year is June 1 – May 31.

To request use of the funds, students should complete the travel allocation request form, including an itemized budget, prior to the proposed travel. Current students should refer to the HASTS Resources Canvas site for more details.

MIT Travel Funding

The following is a sample of MIT sources that are open to HASTS students who would like to apply for additional funding:

* SHASS Kelly Douglas Fund grants to support research and conference travel

* MIT Graduate Student Council Conference Grant Program

* Center for International Studies fellowships and grants

Funding opportunities may also be available through one of the many international MISTI Programs and the Priscilla King Gray Public Service Center .

HASTS Resources+-

HASTS Resources Canvas Site

This site –  available only to current HASTS students and faculty –  is a place to find important forms, information about milestones, examples of proposals that were funded, general advice on grant writing, information about COUHES, and a few lists of funding sources. Also included here are examples of exam lists that others have used in the past and resources that would be helpful in taking general exams, preparing for research, a calendar of major program meetings and events, and many other resources for the HASTS community.


Current HASTS Student Handbook 


STS Seminar and Reading Room Reservations